Glycemic Index Chart

High and Low Glycemic Index

Glycemic-Index-ChartYou’ve heard of this word, they talk about it with sugar, but what is it? Let me explain that the Glycemic Index is a measure of exactly how fast carbohydrates triggers a rise in your blood sugar. The higher the number, the greater the rise.

Low: Lower than 55
Medium: Between 56-69
High: 70 and Above

So with that knowledge, we should probably try and keep the food we eat at a low or medium glycemic index if we possibly can. Here are the foods and their value:

Artichoke: <15
Asparagus: <15
Avocado: <15
Broccoli: <15
Cauliflower: <15
Celery: <15
Cucumber: <15
Eggplant: <15
Green beans: <15
Lettuce, all types: <15
Peppers, all types: <15
Snow peas: <15 Spinach: <15
Young summer squash: <15
Zucchini: <15
Tomatoes: 15
Cherries: 22
Peas, dried: 24
Grapefruit: 25
Peach: 28
Dried apricots: 32
Baby lima beans, frozen: 32
Apple: 36
Pear: 36
Banana: 53
Sweet potato: 54
Sweet corn: 55
Beets: 64
Raisins: 64
pineapple: 66
Watermelon: 72
Parsnips: 97
Dates: 103

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