wheat for whole grains

The 2/8 Golden Rule for Health, Longevity and Disease Prevention

There are many things in life that doesn’t require a full 100%, such as eating. If you eat too much and feel too full, you’re likely to be bloated and have digestion problems. Which things in life can be done to 80% in order to promote health and longevity? The 2/8 Rule for Health, Longevity…

Assorted Oil in bottles
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Healthiest Ways to Use Oils – Refined and Unrefined Oils Guide

It was only recently that I discovered the many different types of oils and how they should be used. Turns out that oil has a smoking point, which basically means how long they can withstand temperatures until they fume out things that will cause you damage. Latest and Newest Info: Use coconut oil for cooking,…

why do kids hate vegetables

Guest Post: Healthy Food that Appeals to Bitter Sensitivity

[Guest post from my hubby] One thing I really have always wished is that people would be more willing to try to create new dishes that are healthy but appeal to pallets that are sensitive to bitterness and the standard “vegetable taste”. I know perhaps a lot of parents had gotten used to cooking vegetables…

Basket of Fruits & Vegetables

Foods high in Potassium

We’re going to talk about a wonderful mineral called potassium. Potassium has multiple roles of maintaining the balance of fluids in the body, regulating blood pressure, fluids, and acidity. Foods Highest in Potassium: Sweet potato, baked: 694mg Tomato paste, 1/4 cup: 664mg Swiss chard, 1/2 cup, cooked: 655mg Prune juice, 3/4 cup: 530mg Carrot juice,…

Basil Plant

Revive your Wilted Basil

Seriously, I consider this a freaking MIRACLE! (This was once completely DEAD looking!) We bought a little pot plant of basil last week so I can cook, but for some reason I didn’t manage to use that one, so I left it behind my computer desk most of the day. Uh-oh, bad idea because when…