Inspirational Quotes and Messages #1
I’ve been collecting quite a lot of these and I find that the more I surround myself to these, the more inspired I get. I will share with you some that has really made a difference to me.
I’ve been collecting quite a lot of these and I find that the more I surround myself to these, the more inspired I get. I will share with you some that has really made a difference to me.
So often, I see someone make a new site and it looks amazing and see huge potential because it’s updated each day with exciting new things, and then it suddenly stops. Either the person goes on hiatus or the site completely dies. I think I’ve worked out why this happened. I think the biggest reason…
Sometimes, I feel that our view of whether this is the worst thing that has happened to us, or the best, completely depends on perspectives. It can be very hard, but I believe with enough thinking, we can sway our minds into believing that a horrible situation was one of the best things that has…
Here are more inspirational little reads that hopefully will brighten your day.
A lot of people (myself included) have big and wild dreams about what we want to achieve in life. As the saying goes, “you can’t swallow a giant in one sitting…” (Haha, why would you?) This article’s purpose is helping you realise that any achievements and little milestones matter, and why we should be patient…
You may be thinking: Happiness and eating are two completely different things, how can they be related? Let me just say that eating healthy may even be the key to happiness. Often when we’re devoid of nutrients, our brain stops functioning the way it should be. If we’re feeding ourselves food that aren’t giving us…
These are some life lessons I’ve learnt during the month of august. This will help me remember everything, and help give some insights to you. I’ve Learn That… Life begins with the food you put in your mouth. Happiness sometimes isn’t something you can just “think”, but a lot of it has to do with…