
Dreams vs. Reality: Exploring the Fascinating Phenomenon of Dream Reality Confusion

It’s no secret that dreams hold a powerful sway over our minds. They can be vivid, surreal, and at times, unsettling. But what happens when the line between dreams and reality begins to blur? This phenomenon, known as dream reality confusion, is a captivating subject that investigates into the depths of our psyche. In this informative…

When Does Your Age Start Affecting Your Health?

We can’t stop getting older, and for some of us it’s a big concern. However, for others it might not be and they may not even consider what will happen. How exactly the march of time will impact us is not set in stone and actually our own unique circumstances will play a large part….

Curving a heart shape in green apple.
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Planning better Meal Times: Listen to your Body for Hunger/Fullness

Often, we have set meals planned. For example, breakfast at 8am, lunch at 12pm and dinner at 6pm. We don’t really go against it, whether we’re hungry or not. Have you ever eaten a breakfast or dinner when you’re not hungry? (Not caused by stress or anxiety, but because you’re simply not hungry). Very important…

Why are people so Mean towards Obesity?
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Why are people so Mean towards Obesity?

Something I’ve noticed anywhere I go is that people can be so mean and nasty towards obesity. What I mean is, an overweight is very likely to receive rude comments about that person being fat or ugly, particularly online. (Because some people tend to think that because they’re hidden behind a screen, they can say…