Inspirational Quotes and Messages #1
I’ve been collecting quite a lot of these and I find that the more I surround myself to these, the more inspired I get. I will share with you some that has really made a difference to me.
I’ve been collecting quite a lot of these and I find that the more I surround myself to these, the more inspired I get. I will share with you some that has really made a difference to me.
I watched a video today, and I was moved. I mean seriously moved. To tears! It was that powerful! How I found it? It was on one of those Facebook share things and I Just happened to see the title which looked interesting. It was one of the the three most worth it minutes I…
Humour is one of the most marvelous things ever. It’s so good, yet hard for many people to create. There are different types of humour, some being just expressions or movements, others are words, some requires prior knowledge, others don’t. The amount of humour that exists is endless, and the first thing we need to…
After going on a trip that’s changed my life in so many ways, I want to empower you to chase after your dreams. Have you ever wanted to do something but felt like you couldn’t? Or you really thought you didn’t have what it takes, or that it’s impossible? Yes, I’ve been there too. In…
When it comes to blogging about health, happiness and food, I have five websites that are major inspirations to me, and I could say they helped me in many ways when it comes to blogging, recipes, photography and so many more, and now I want to share them so you can be inspired too! The…
Often, the secret to staying happy and positive is to be grateful for what we have, and to stop focusing on what we don’t have. But how do we do that? For a long time, I’ve struggled with not knowing how to think about what I have. Instead, I put way too much focus on…
1. Stay away from Negative people Negative people carrying their angry, bitter mood is probably the easiest way to bring you down and turn you into one of them. A classic example is, let’s say if you’re happily sitting in your room and then your father comes home pissed off and angry because of problems…