Inspirational Quotes and Messages #1
I’ve been collecting quite a lot of these and I find that the more I surround myself to these, the more inspired I get. I will share with you some that has really made a difference to me.
I’ve been collecting quite a lot of these and I find that the more I surround myself to these, the more inspired I get. I will share with you some that has really made a difference to me.
One of the most priceless advice I’ve heard is the time you have with someone isn’t as important as how you spend it. The amount of time we have with someone is meaningless unless we understand the concept of appreciation. Look at these two situations: 1) You live with your loved ones, be it your…
Wow, I just discovered a gem! Soulpancake on youtube has some fascinating videos that talks about the science of happiness and does a lot of really awesome experiments on people. Playlist: My favourite Videos: I absolutely love this lady, she is like my inspiration and who I want to be. From her, I learned…
1. Stay away from Negative people Negative people carrying their angry, bitter mood is probably the easiest way to bring you down and turn you into one of them. A classic example is, let’s say if you’re happily sitting in your room and then your father comes home pissed off and angry because of problems…
I watched a video today, and I was moved. I mean seriously moved. To tears! It was that powerful! How I found it? It was on one of those Facebook share things and I Just happened to see the title which looked interesting. It was one of the the three most worth it minutes I…
My friend and I were going to make a course on how to overcome demotivation but we weren’t motivated enough to actually start the project. Why do we get so excited about something, and then lose interest? How many times have you been eager to get into something, start a new project or build a…
It’s funny that as I’m writing this, I’m making plans for an exciting new trip (perhaps even on my own) to another state, planning all the places I want to go. A year ago, I would’ve said, “HELL NO I would NEVER do it on my own. I don’t think I could do it!”. Fear…