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What do you do when Studies Contradict each other?

If there is one thing that drives me completely crazy, it’s the fact that one study always has to disapprove of another study, making me wonder which is true.

Examples of Contradicting Studies:

(You just need to type these keywords on google and you’ll see the article)

Calcium Supplements Lead To Heart Disease
Live longer with a daily dose of calcium: Women who take a supplement have a 22% lower risk of early death

Study Claims Eggs Are As Unhealthy As Smoking
There’s a cracking idea! Eggs are a superfood… and eating one a day could help you lose weight

Be Aware of the Unhealthy Side of Soy
The ‘nutritional magic’ behind soy’s heart health benefits

Pediatricians: Organic foods may not be better
Study: Organic Food Is Healthier, Tastier And Better For The Environment

Here are just some examples I’ve read. I’m sure you’ve seen those too.

What should you do when studies contradict each other:

Go for the Midpoint

If one study says that soy is dangerous and unhealthy while another says it may decrease the chance of heart attacks, you can try aim for the middle, and that is not to cut it completely but eat a regulated amount so that you’re not going overboard with it. Everyone has their own version of what’s too little or too much, but I feel that a good regulated amount is once or twice a week.

Do your research

Another thing I also recommend is doing your research. Search on the internet and see what others are saying. For example, I was researching on calcium and saw an article about how calcium would only cause heart problems if you don’t take it with other supplements such as magnesium, Vitamin D & K and Omega 3, because it won’t be absorbed well, thus leaving residue in our arteries, which may cause it to harden over time.

Listen to your own Body

Another thing that’s important is listening to your own body. Sometimes, you’ll know if what you’re eating is unhealthy. You may get certain symptoms and such. For example, when I ate very unhealthily, I got heart palpitations and headaches. When I realised that, I stopped what I was doing and the symptoms decreased. You need to recognise your own body’s cries for help.

Why are there so many contradictions?

Because they’re people, and what makes people people is that nobody can agree on anything. Actually, the real reason why I think there’s so many contradictions is because everyone’s bodies work differently and react differently, so when new studies are done, there’s always a chance of getting different results.

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