5 Amazing Health/Food Websites to Check Out
I’m always looking for more health related websites I can just soak hours of my time in, and I’ve found five more awesome websites since last time and would love to share it with you all!
This Rawsome Vegan Life
Website: http://www.thisrawsomeveganlife.com/
I AM IN HEAVEN!! Whenever I find delicious looking recipe sites, particularly focused on raw vegan diet, I go a bit too hyper and excited and this website is just so amazing, it makes raw vegan food so appetising! I bet if you spend a few hours on this site, it would change your entire view on raw vegan food! Please go and visit it!
My New Roots
Website: http://www.mynewroots.org/
This website is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! The photos are so darn awesome I could just look at it forever, and the recipes are so amazing. It focuses on health, and that’s one of the greatest things ever!
Path to Wellness
Website: http://pathtowellness.com.au/
YESSSS, another wonderful website about healing and leading a healthy lifestyle. These sites are always so inspirational and really amazing to read.
Website: http://www.blogilates.com/
OMG this website rocks, it has so many AMAZING workout videos that really help you know how to exercise in such a fun way. I also love the clean food recipe videos on this website. It’s so awesome and you can just feel clean when you’re eating it.
Kimberly Snyder’s Beauty Detox Community
Website: http://kimberlysnyder.net/
Kimberly Snyder has really amazing and interesting points about optimising digestion and her articles are so wonderful to read, and you can get so much information on how to eat healthy from just the blogs.
Crazy Sexy Wellness Revolution
Website: http://kriscarr.com/
I absolutely LOVE Kris Carr’s information on juicing and smoothies, particularly the youtube videos that tells you exactly how to juice and what the best things to add are. She has some awesome infographics and her food philosophy rocks!