Inspirational Quotes and Messages #4
Time for another installment of the inspirational quotes and messages that I find, and that really makes a positive difference to me.
Time for another installment of the inspirational quotes and messages that I find, and that really makes a positive difference to me.
It’s funny that as I’m writing this, I’m making plans for an exciting new trip (perhaps even on my own) to another state, planning all the places I want to go. A year ago, I would’ve said, “HELL NO I would NEVER do it on my own. I don’t think I could do it!”. Fear…
Sometimes, I feel that our view of whether this is the worst thing that has happened to us, or the best, completely depends on perspectives. It can be very hard, but I believe with enough thinking, we can sway our minds into believing that a horrible situation was one of the best things that has…
Before I start on where I find inspiration, I want to first define it. According to google, inspiration is the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, esp. to do something creative. Inspiration is so powerful and can change our lives for the better, but where can we find it? Where I…
Something that occurred to me today. We often feel unlucky when bad things happen, because we KNOW ABOUT IT! What about when we luckily miss a bad situation but didn’t know it even existed? We wouldn’t feel lucky because we didn’t know about it. For those of us who has met with a misfortune in…
I watched a video today, and I was moved. I mean seriously moved. To tears! It was that powerful! How I found it? It was on one of those Facebook share things and I Just happened to see the title which looked interesting. It was one of the the three most worth it minutes I…
Okay, here’s a little exercise. If you were given 10 days to live, write down 50 things you want to do. RIGHT NOW! Don’t put it off or say that you’re too busy to do it, or that this is silly. I really really believe this is going to be fun. 50 Things I want…