Xiang Gu vs Hua Gu – The Two different types of Shiitake Mushrooms

Xiang Gu vs Hua Gu – The Two different types of Shiitake Mushrooms

Don’t you hate it when there’s like, two different types of dried mushrooms and they’re called the same thing? It all started when I asked my hubby to buy some shiitake mushrooms, thinking they’d be Xiang Gu and he got me a packet of Hua Gu instead! Then I checked the packet, both said shiitake!…

The Cat and the Mouse

The Cat and the Mouse

Mummy mouse was taking her three pups (that’s what baby mice are called) on an educational outing through the house. As they went into the kitchen, mum saw that a cat had spotted them and deviously had plans to eat the mice for dinner. “Ooh dinner!” Thought the cat. “Quick, kids”, mum said. “Get into…

Lose Weight

True Story – How to lose 70 Pounds in Less than Two Years

How to lose 70 Pounds in Less than Two Years? 1) Cut back on red meat, cheese, sugary junk foods, softdrinks and fast food restaurants such as McDonalds. 2) Eat lots of fruits, vegetables and coarse grains, particularly recipes on this website. 3) Buy a treadmill and ipad, then work out 1-2 hours a day….

Tips for Coping with Jetlag based on Personal Experience

Tips for Coping with Jetlag based on Personal Experience

DON’T PANIC, YOU’RE NOT GONNA DIE FROM LACK OF SLEEP, REALLY!! Two most common Jet Lag Symptoms: During the day when you need to be awake, you will feel severe exhaustion, barely able to open your eyes. This is probably because around this time, you’re used to be asleep! Then, experiencing insomnia when you do…

How do you keep doing what you’re not motivated to do anymore?

How do you keep doing what you’re not motivated to do anymore?

My friend and I were going to make a course on how to overcome demotivation but we weren’t motivated enough to actually start the project. Why do we get so excited about something, and then lose interest? How many times have you been eager to get into something, start a new project or build a…