Smiling girl cartoon getting braces

Getting Braces as an Adult: Part 3 – The Consultation

So I am continuing my journey of getting adult braces. After they take a bunch of pictures and X-rays, you go for a consultation. That’s when the orthodontist basically explains everything to you. This is also the time to ask questions. Basic info I got: The braces last for about 24 months, give or take….

Red Beans

Top 20 Foods with Antioxidants

We all know that antioxidants help us fight free radicals, keeps us young and does all kinds of amazing stuff. According to a 2004 study found 20 foods with more antioxidants than anything else. Here they are. Dried Mexican red beans Wild blueberries Red kidney beans Pinto beans Cultivated blueberries Cranberries Artichokes Blackberries Prunes Raspberries…

Noisy neighbours
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Technique for Dealing with Noisy Neighbours when it comes to Sleep

Do you have noisy neighbours who like to crank it up with heat at 3am, or talk nonstop till the morning? I do! The worst par t is, I can almost hear exactly what they’re saying, and it can be extremely difficult to get to sleep with them talking all through the night. However, I…

Curving a heart shape in green apple.
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Planning better Meal Times: Listen to your Body for Hunger/Fullness

Often, we have set meals planned. For example, breakfast at 8am, lunch at 12pm and dinner at 6pm. We don’t really go against it, whether we’re hungry or not. Have you ever eaten a breakfast or dinner when you’re not hungry? (Not caused by stress or anxiety, but because you’re simply not hungry). Very important…