Soul Pancake_The Science of Happiness

The Science of Happiness

Wow, I just discovered a gem! Soulpancake on youtube has some fascinating videos that talks about the science of happiness and does a lot of really awesome experiments on people. Playlist: My favourite Videos: I absolutely love this lady, she is like my inspiration and who I want to be. From her, I learned…

Create Happiness by Fulfilling Your Purpose
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Create Happiness by Fulfilling Your Purpose

Have we ever thought, “what is our purpose in this life?”. Perhaps many people are busy or have never particularly thought about it, but purpose is one of the biggest and greatest things anyone could ever have. Have you ever watched one of those video game competition playthroughs were some of the earlier entries were…

Is Food the cause of your Unhappiness?
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Is Food the cause of your Unhappiness?

You may be thinking: Happiness and eating are two completely different things, how can they be related? Let me just say that eating healthy may even be the key to happiness. Often when we’re devoid of nutrients, our brain stops functioning the way it should be. If we’re feeding ourselves food that aren’t giving us…